Tool palette features

The standard tool palettes (Basic and Tool Sets) and any custom tool palettes have special features that other palettes do not. Tool palettes and their tool sets can be created and customized using the Workspace Editor (see Customizing workspaces).

Pop-out tools

On tool palettes and sets, an arrow on the right side of a tool icon or label indicates additional, related pop-out tools. Click and hold the mouse to open the list of pop-out tools.


Utility menus

Each tool palette has a Utility menu on the title bar that controls the palette and tool display.

Menu / Command


View Tools As


Icons / Icons and Text / Text

Select whether to display only an icon, both an icon and a text label, or only a text label for each tool

Sort Tools By


Manual Placement / Ascending Alphabetical / Descending Alphabetical

Select whether to display tools in the order appearing in the Workspace Editor, or in either ascending or descending alphabetical order according to text labels

View Tool Sets As


Icons / Icons and Text / Text

Select whether to display only an icon, both an icon and a text label, or only a text label for each tool set in the palette

Sort Tool Sets By


Manual Placement / Ascending Alphabetical / Descending Alphabetical

Select whether to display tool sets in the order appearing in the Workspace Editor, or in either ascending or descending alphabetical order according to text labels

Place Tool Sets At


Top / Bottom of Palette

Select whether to display tool set selection buttons at the top or bottom of the tool palette


Opens the Workspace Editor Options dialog box (see Customizing workspaces for details)

Tool set selection buttons and tear-off palettes

If a tool palette has multiple tool sets (as does the Tool Sets palette), selection buttons for each tool set display on the palette. To display a tool set's tools, click the appropriate button. The button is highlighted to indicate which tool set is active.

To see multiple tool sets at once, drag a tool set's selection button off the main palette. This creates a separate, temporary palette for the tool set. Like other palettes, these tear-off palettes can be docked, resized, hidden, and minimized. To close a tear-off palette, click its close button.


Palette features

Docking palettes

Saving palette positions and settings

Application window


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